This item is sold out!
We are keeping it on our website for informational purposes. If we find another, we will post it here.
- KISS this!
- All 4 KISS members in 12-inch tall plush form!
- Based on their appearance on the Love Gun album.
- Dressed in authentic 1970s Love Gun costumes!
- Straight from the manufacturer's carton. Excellent condition!
KISS this! Based on Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Ace Frehley, and Peter Criss' appearance on the famed KISS album, this KISS Love Gun 12-Inch Plush Set presents the band dressed in authentic 1970s Love Gun costumes. Each 12-inch tall figure is a unique and fully accurate representation of its respective KISS member: Peter Criss - The Catman, Paul Stanley - The Starchild, Gene Simmons - The Demon, and Ace Frehley - The Spaceman!
- Gallery
- Description

This item is sold out!
We are keeping it on our website for informational purposes. If we find another, we will post it here.
- KISS this!
- All 4 KISS members in 12-inch tall plush form!
- Based on their appearance on the Love Gun album.
- Dressed in authentic 1970s Love Gun costumes!
- Straight from the manufacturer's carton. Excellent condition!
KISS this! Based on Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Ace Frehley, and Peter Criss' appearance on the famed KISS album, this KISS Love Gun 12-Inch Plush Set presents the band dressed in authentic 1970s Love Gun costumes. Each 12-inch tall figure is a unique and fully accurate representation of its respective KISS member: Peter Criss - The Catman, Paul Stanley - The Starchild, Gene Simmons - The Demon, and Ace Frehley - The Spaceman!